Holiday Gifts 2020 was a success

Happy New Year! As we step into 2021, we are full of wonder, and gratitude. If we learned anything last year, it was how to adapt as well as the power of our community. Before we get too far into 2021, we're sharing the results of our 2020 Holiday Gifts Program with you. 

For years, we have been committed to letting foster children, youth, and families know that they are not alone on their journeys, particularly during the holiday season. With your help, we were able to do some remarkable work this year, distributing new toys, pajamas, and winter coats as well as fulfilling hundreds of wish lists for youth all over Rhode Island.

A staff member with DCYF shared this story after delivering gifts to families:

"I was able to deliver gifts to two families yesterday and to say that they were grateful is an understatement.  One family broke down in tears when the father opened the envelope.  He confided in me that he was running low on food and didn’t know if he would be able to get ANYTHING for his two children for Christmas.  His son, my client, sobbed because he has been so worried about his father.  

The other mom cried as I gave her gift after gift after gift for her and her children.  She wasn’t able to pay for her storage unit during COVID and lost everything she had.  I know this is something that your agency does every year and is most likely part of your mission, but I wanted you to know how much of a blessing your agency has been to these families.

I thank you for the work you do and for being an unexpected blessing to the families that you serve."

Thank you for your tremendous support of these young people and families, and for supporting us at Foster Forward. It truly is a community effort, and I'm looking forward to seeing what we create in 2021. Happy New Year to you and your family! 


Lisa Guillette
Executive Director
Foster Forward


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